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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 双语法规之一:《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》与《排污许可证管理暂行规定》


2017-6-6 10:50 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 13995 | 评论: 2 | 来自: EHS.CN
摘要:2016年11月10日国务院办公厅颁布《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》开始实施。该方案对未来即将落实的“污染物许可排放制度”进行重新的定义,也是《环境保护法》第四十二条有关排污许可与总量控制要求的延伸与细化。 ...


     The Implementation Plan for the Permit System for Controlling Pollutants Emission (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Plan) was issued by the General Office of the State Council on November 10, 2016, and came into force on the same day. The Implementation Plan has redefined the "pollutant discharge permit system" which will be implemented in the coming future. Meanwhile, it is the extension and refinement of requirements for pollutant discharge permit and total quantity control stipulated in the Article 42 of the Environmental Protection Law.


1、排污许可制度的总体原则 :

i. Basic principles of the Permit System for Controlling Pollutants Emission



     The Implementation Plan has proposed the following principles, which has been embodied in the regulations and rules issued recently. Since the middle of 2016, there have been many cases of environmental protection supervision and inspection, which have reflected the guiding thought of the Implementation Plan. For the focuses of its guiding principles for the enterprise, we extract the original text as followed.



      The emission permit system shall connect with the environmental impact assessment administration system, and merge with the total quantity control system, so as to provide unified pollutants emission data for the work such as collection of pollution discharge fee, environment statistics and trading in the right to pollutants emission ……



     Fairness and impartiality, and one permit for one enterprise. ……Emission permits shall be issued to enterprises and public institutions as the sole administrative licensing of the pollutants emission in manufacturing and operating period, and, in respect of such pollutants emission, the requirement for environment management they ought to observe in accordance with the law and the legal liability they ought to undertake shall be specified.



      Pollutant discharge permits shall be the major legal instruments by which enterprises and public institutions accept environment supervision in manufacturing and operating period, and the environmental protection departments implement supervision. Enterprises and public institutions shall apply for and obtain emission permits in accordance with the law, emit pollutants according to the permits, and prove the observation of the law by themselves.



      The whole process of application for, issuance and supervision of emission permits shall be disclosed……



     The above mentioned principles have clearly described a blueprint for us, and the importance of future licenses is beyond doubt.What will the process of implementation be like? What are the future impacts on the enterprises? Hereby we select some terms that are closely related to the enterprises who shall put into investments to complete relevant works as references for the future implementation.



ii. Regulations about the issuance and management of permits stipulated in the Implementation Plan


     Ø (六)制定排污许可管理名录。环境保护部依法制订并公布排污许可分类管理名录。【注1】

     Draw up a management list of pollutant discharge permits. The Ministry of Environmental Protection shall formulate and publish the classified management list of pollutant discharge permits according to law. 【Note 1】


     Ø (七)规范排污许可证核发。由县级以上地方政府环境保护部门负责排污许可证核发,地方性法规另有规定的从其规定。【注2】

     Regulate the approval and the issuance of pollutant discharge permits. The pollutant discharge permits shall be approved and issued by environmental protection authorities at or above the county level. Where other provisions have been issued on local regulations, those provisions shall prevail. 【Note 2】


     Ø (八)合理确定许可内容。排污许可证中明确许可排放的污染物种类、浓度、排放量、排放去向等事项,载明污染治理设施、环境管理要求等相关内容。

     Reasonably determine the contents of permits. The types of pollutants, its concentration, its quantity of emission and the emission's direction and destination shall be clearly stated on the pollutant discharge permit, as well as including the pollution control facilities and environmental management requirements.


     Ø (九)分步实现排污许可全覆盖。排污许可证管理内容主要包括大气污染物、水污染物,并依法逐步纳入其他污染物,…2020年全国基本完成排污许可证核发。

     Achieve the full coverage of pollutant discharge permits step by step. The pollutant discharge permits shall cover the waste gas, wastewater and gradually incorporate other pollutants in accordance with laws...theapproval and the issuance of pollutant discharge permit all over the country will have been completed until 2020.


     Ø (十)落实按证排污责任。纳入排污许可管理的所有企事业单位必须按期持证排污、按证排污,不得无证排污。企事业单位应及时申领排污许可证,对申请材料的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任.

     Implement the duty of discharging pollutants according to the permits. All enterprises and institutions incorporated into the administration of pollutant discharge permit shall discharge pollutants with permit on schedule, discharge pollutants according to the permit and shall not discharge pollutants without permit. Enterprises and institutions shall apply for the pollutant discharge permit in a timely manner, and bear the legal responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the application materials.


     Ø (十一)实行自行监测和定期报告。企事业单位应依法开展自行监测……企事业单位应如实向环境保护部门报告排污许可证执行情况……排放情况与排污许可证要求不符的,应及时向环境保护部门报告。【注3】

     Carry out the self-monitoring and regular report. Enterprises and institutions shall carry out the self-monitoring in accordance with laws……Enterprises and institutions shall truthfully report the implementation of the pollutant discharge permit to the environmental protection departments ...... If the discharge situation does not conform to the requirements of the pollution discharge permit, it shall be reported to the environmental protection department in a timely manner. 【Note 3】





关键字:环境日, 双语法规解读, EHS.CN






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引用 admin 2017-6-7 09:09
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引用 慢时间 2017-6-6 22:06
