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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 双语法规之一:《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》与《排污许可证管理暂行规定》


2017-6-6 10:50 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 13998 | 评论: 2 | 来自: EHS.CN
摘要:2016年11月10日国务院办公厅颁布《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》开始实施。该方案对未来即将落实的“污染物许可排放制度”进行重新的定义,也是《环境保护法》第四十二条有关排污许可与总量控制要求的延伸与细化。 ...




     【注3】《排污单位自行监测技术指南 总则》(HJ819-2017)于2017年6月1日 正式生效。

  Editor's notes:

     【Note 1】The Classified Management List of Pollutant Discharge Permits for Fix Pollution Sources (for Trial Implementation) was started to request public comment on January 20, 2017.

     【Note 2】The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits was issued and came into force on December 23, 2016.

     【Note 3】 The Self-monitoring Guidelines for Pollution Sources General Rule (HJ819-2017) has come into force on June 1, 2017



iii. The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits (2016-12-23) and the requirements for enterprises

     ★第三条 本规定所称排污许可,是指环境保护主管部门依排污单位的申请和承诺,通过发放排污许可证法律文书形式,依法依规规范和限制排污单位排污行为并明确环境管理要求,依据排污许可证对排污单位实施监管执法的环境管理制度。


     Article 3 "Pollutant discharge permit" means the environmental management system that the competent environmental protection departments, by issuing the legal document of pollutant discharge permit according to pollution sources' application and commitment, regulate and restrict the pollution sources' pollutants discharging behaviors and make the the requirements of environmental management clear in accordance with laws, and carry out the supervision and law enforcement over pollution sources according to the pollutant discharge permit. "Pollution sources" means enterprises, institutions and other producing and operating units that have been concluded into the classified management list of pollutant discharge permit.(编者注:《规定》的附1给出了承诺书的样式,如图所示。)(Editor's note: the Attachment 1 of the Interim Provisions has provided the sample of the Commitment, as shown in the picture.)

     ★第四条 下列排污单位应当实行排污许可管理:

     Article 4 The following pollution sources shall implement the management of pollutant discharge permit

     Ø (一)排放工业废气或者排放国家规定的有毒有害大气污染物的企业事业单位。

     Any enterprise or institution that discharges industrial waste gases or discharges poisonous and harmful air pollutants prescribed by the national regulations.

     Ø (四)直接或间接向水体排放工业废水和医疗污水的企业事业单位。

     Any enterprise or institution that discharges industrial waste water or medical waste water directly or indirectly into the water body.

     Ø 环境保护部按行业制订并公布排污许可分类管理名录,分批分步骤推进排污许可证管理。排污单位应当在名录规定的时限内持证排污,禁止无证排污或不按证排污。

     The Ministry of Environmental Protection shall formulate and publish the classified management list of pollutant discharge permits, and promote it step by step. The pollution sources shall be permitted to discharge pollutants within the time limit specified in the permit, and shall be prohibited from discharging pollutants without a permit or discharging pollutants beyond the requirements specified in permit.

      ★ 第十条 下列许可事项应当在排污许可证副本中载明:

      Article 10 The following items of approval shall be stated in the copy of the pollutant discharge permit.

     Ø (一)排污口位置和数量、排放方式、排放去向等。(二)排放污染物种类、许可排放浓度、许可排放量。(三)法律法规规定的其他许可事项。

      the location and number of the discharge outlets, the way of discharge, the direction and destination of discharge;(2) types of pollutants discharged, permitted discharging concentration, and permitted discharging quantity; (3) other licensing matters stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.

     Ø 对实行排污许可简化管理的排污单位,许可事项可只包括(一)以及(二)中的排放污染物种类、许可排放浓度。

     For the pollution sources where administrative simplification of pollutant discharge permit applies, the approval matters only include the abovementioned item (1) and types of pollutants discharged and the permitted discharging concentration stated in item (2).

      ★ 第十一条 下列环境管理要求应当在排污许可证副本中载明:

     Article 11 The following items of environmental management shall be stated in the copy of the pollutant discharge permit.

     Ø (一)污染防治设施运行、维护,无组织排放控制等环境保护措施要求。(二)自行监测方案、台账记录、执行报告等要求。(三)排污单位自行监测、执行报告等信息公开要求。(四)法律法规规定的其他事项。

     requirements for environmental protection measures such as the operation and maintenance of pollution control facilities and the control of discharging without organization; (二) requirements for self-monitoring plan, ledgers and records, and implementation reports; (三) requirements for information publicity such as self-monitoring of pollution sources and implementation reports; (4) other matters stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.

     Ø 对实行排污许可简化管理的可作适当简化。

     The administrative simplification of the pollutant discharge permit may be further simplified to some degree.(编者注:《规定》附2中给出了共15张申请表格,帮助企业完成上述信息的整理和填写。)

(Editor's note: the Attachment 2 of the Interim Provisions has provided 15 application forms to help enterprise complete the abovementioned information)

      ★第三十二条 排污单位应当严格执行排污许可证的规定,遵守下列要求:

      Article 32 Pollution sources shall strictly implement the rules of the pollutant discharge permit and comply with the following requirements.

     Ø (一)排污口位置和数量、排放方式、排放去向、排放污染物种类、排放浓度和排放量、执行的排放标准等符合排污许可证的规定,不得私设暗管或以其他方式逃避监管。

      the matters, including the location and number of the discharge outlets, the way of discharge, the direction and destination of discharge, types of pollutants discharged, permitted discharging concentration, permitted discharging quantity and the implementation of discharging standards, shall meet the requirements specified in the pollutant discharge permit; it is forbidden to set underground pipe or use other ways to evade supervision.

     Ø (二)落实重污染天气应急管控措施、遵守法律规定的最新环境保护要求等。

     Implement emergency control measures under heavy air pollutant weather, comply with the latest environmental protection requirements stipulated in laws and regulations.

     Ø (三)按排污许可证规定的监测点位、监测因子、监测频次和相关监测技术规范开展自行监测并公开。

     Carry out the self-monitoring and make it to the public, including the information about the monitoring sites, monitoring factors, monitoring frequency and related monitoring technical specifications as prescribed by the pollutant discharge permit.

     Ø (四)按规范进行台账记录,主要内容包括生产信息、燃料、原辅材料使用情况、污染防治设施运行记录、监测数据等。

     Make the ledgers and records according to relevant regulations, mainly including the production information, fuel, raw and auxiliary materials, pollution control facilities, operation records, monitoring data and so on.

     Ø (五)按排污许可证规定,定期在国家排污许可证管理信息平台填报信息,编制排污许可证执行报告,及时报送有核发权的环境保护主管部门并公开,执行报告主要内容包括生产信息、污染防治设施运行情况、污染物按证排放情况等。

     In accordance with rules stipulated in the pollutant discharge permit, fill in relevant information regularly on the National Information Publicity Platform for Pollutant Discharge, draw up the implementation reports of the pollutant discharge permit and submit to the competent envi


关键字:环境日, 双语法规解读, EHS.CN






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