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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 6月双语法规之二:《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》与《排污单位自行 ...

6月双语法规之二:《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》与《排污单位自行 ...

2017-6-9 10:57 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 17526 | 评论: 1 | 来自: EHS.CN
摘要:排污单位自行监测技术指南 总则》(HJ819-2017)于2017年6月1日 正式生效,同时生效的还有两个行业标准《排污单位自行监测技术指南 火力发电及锅炉》(HJ820-2017),《排污单位自行监测技术指南 造纸工业》



Second Interpretation of the Environmental Protection laws and regulations in June 2017,Interpretation of the Implementation Plan for the Permit System for Controlling Pollutants Emission and the Self-monitoring Guidelines for Pollution Sources General Rule


      《排污单位自行监测技术指南 总则》(HJ819-2017)于2017年6月1日 正式生效,同时生效的还有两个行业标准《排污单位自行监测技术指南 火力发电及锅炉》(HJ820-2017),《排污单位自行监测技术指南 造纸工业》(HJ821-2017)。

     The Self-monitoring Guidelines for Pollution Sources General Rule (HJ819-2017) has come into force on June 1, 2017, and meanwhile there are two more industrial standards coming into force, including the Self-monitoring Guidelines for Pollution Sources—Thermal Power Generation and Boiler (HJ820-2017) and the Self-monitoring Technology Guidelines for Pollution Sources — Paper Industry (HJ821-2017).

     这是继《排污许可证管理暂行规定》(2016-12-23) 之后,又一重要的落实《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》(2016-11-10)的执行性极强的法律法规,关系到“法治”在环境保护领域的发展,也关系到企业如何“自证合法”的措施与手段。

     These are another important laws with strong execution that implement the Implementation Plan for the Permit System for Controlling Pollutants Emission (2016-11-10) (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Plan) after the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits (2016-12-23), which is related to the development of the "rule of law" in the field of environmental protection as well as related to the measures and methods taken by enterprises to "prove the observation of the law by themselves".



1. The requirements of enterprise' obligations and self-monitoring proposed by the Implementation Plan

     ◆ (十一)实行自行监测和定期报告。企事业单位应依法开展自行监测,安装或使用监测设备应符合国家有关环境监测、计量认证规定和技术规范,保障数据合法有效,保证设备正常运行,妥善保存原始记录,建立准确完整的环境管理台账,安装在线监测设备的应与环境保护部门联网。企事业单位应如实向环境保护部门报告排污许可证执行情况,依法向社会公开污染物排放数据并对数据真实性负责。排放情况与排污许可证要求不符的,应及时向环境保护部门报告。

      (11) Implement the self-monitoring and regular reports. Enterprises and institutions shall carry out the self-monitoring in accordance with laws, install or use monitoring equipments meeting national environment monitoring rules, measurement certification requirements and technical specifications, ensure the data is valid, ensure the normal operation of equipments, keep the original records, establish accurate and complete environmental management ledgers, and connect the equipment with on-line monitoring function to the network of environmental protection department. Enterprises and institutions shall truthfully report the implementation of the pollutant discharge permit to the environmental protection departments, disclose the pollutant emission data to the public in accordance with laws, and be responsible for the authenticity of the data. If the emission situation does not conform to the requirements of the pollution discharge permit, it shall be reported to the environmental protection department in a timely manner.

     ◆ (十二)依证严格开展监管执法……企事业单位在线监测数据可以作为环境保护部门监管执法的依据。

     (12) Strictly carry out the supervision and law-enforcement according to the permit...... The online monitoring data of enterprises and institutions can be used as the basis for the supervision and law-enforcement of environmental protection departments.


     (13) Severely investigate and punish illegal pollutant emission behavior....... When the environmental protection department find out the actual situation is not consistent with the environmental management ledgers and the implementation report of pollutant discharge permit during inspection, enterprises shall be ordered to make an explanation. Any enterprise that fails to explain and taht is unable to provide their own monitoring records shall be punished according to laws.




   Editor: the equipment and facilities used for self-monitoring belong to enterprise. These equipment and facilities shall be included in the scope of environmental protection supervision, which will become a tool for environmental protection departments to supervise enterprises. Meanwhile, it has the significance of legal evidence that can be used by enterprise to prove the observation of the law by themselves. Therefore, the importance of the original data is obvious. When there is any difference found during inspection between the actual implementation and the pollutant discharge permit, it will be found guilty if it fails to provide "the original monitoring data".

     Then, how do enterprise prove the observation of the law by themselves?


2、《排污单位自行监测技术指南 总则》(HJ819-2017)

2. The Self-monitoring Guidelines for Pollution Sources General Rule (HJ819-2017)

      4.3 开展自行监测

      4.3 Carry out the self-monitoring


      Pollution sources shall carry out the monitoring according to the latest monitoring plan, by using their own personnel, places and facilities according to their conditions and abilities; and also can entrust other qualified inspection institutions to carry out the self-monitoring.


      The contents of the annual self-monitoring report of enterprises with pollutant discharge permit can be reflected in the annual implementation report of pollutant discharge permit.


     (Editor: entrusted monitoring is permitted. The entrusted units shall have corresponding qualifications, so that they can play the role of evidence in future annual reports or legal disputes.)

      5.1 监测内容

      5.1 the contents of monitoring

      Ø 5.1.1 污染物排放监测,……包括废气污染物(以有组织或无组织形式排入环境)、废水污染物(直接排入环境或排入公共污水处理系统)及噪声污染等。(编者注:与传统要求一致)

      Ø 5.1.1 monitoring on pollutant emission……including waste gas (including the organizational emission or the non-organizational emission), wastewater (directly discharged into the environment or into the municipal domestic sewage system) and noise. (Editor's note: it is the same with the original requirements)

       Ø 5.1.2 周边环境质量影响监测,污染物排放标准、环境影响评价文件及其批复或其他环境管理有明确要求的,排污单位应按照要求对其周边相应的空气、地表水、地下水、土壤等环境质量开展监测;其他排污单位根据实际情况确定是否开展周边环境质量影响监测。

       Ø 5.1.2 monitoring on the impact of surrounding environment, if there are clear requirements for pollutant emission standards, environmental impact assessment and its approval documents or other environmental management, the pollution sources shall carry out the monitoring on the surrounding environment quality, including the air, surface water, groundwater and soil; other pollution sources shall determine whether the monitoring on the impact of surrounding environment is necessary according to the actual situation.

      Ø 5.1.3 关键工艺参数监测,在某些情况下,可以通过对与污染物产生和排放密切相关的关键工艺参数进行测试以补充污染物排放监测。

      Ø 5.1.3 monitoring on the critical process parameters, in some cases, the critical process parameters closely related to pollutant generation and emissions can be tested as the supplement of pollutant emission monitoring.

      Ø 5.1.4 污染治理设施处理效果监测,若污染物排放标准等环境管理文件对污染治理设施有特别要求的,或排污单位认为有必要的,应对污染治理设施处理效果进行监测。

      Ø 5.1.4 monitoring on the treatment effects of the pollution control facilities, if the environmental management documents such as the standards for pollutant discharge have proposed special requirements for pollution control facilities, or if the pollution sources thinks it is necessary, the monitoring on the treatment effects of the pollution control facilities shall be carried out.


关键字:环境日, 双语解读, 排污






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引用 南南llo 2018-7-28 10:40
