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Tips For New Legislation
当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 8月双语法规解读:《排污权出让收入管理暂行办法》


2015-8-10 16:23 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 4649 | 评论: 0 | 来自: EHS.CN
摘要:2015年8月 新法提示 Tips For New Legislations in Aug. 2015 《排污权出让收入管理暂行办法》 The Interim Measures for the Administration of the Income from the Assignment of Emission Rights 在7月23日 ...


About the public auction


Ø第十六条 通过市场公开出让方式出让排污权的,出让底价由试点地区省级价格、财政、环境保护部门参照排污权使用费的征收标准确定。

Article 16 When the emission rights are assigned on the public market, the basic price of the assignment shall be decided jointly by the provincial bureau of price, the provincial bureau of finance and the provincial bureau of environmental protection of the pilot area in accordance with the collection rules for the use fees of the emission rights.

The specific means, processes and management of the assignment of emission rights on the public market shall be stipulated by the pilot area according to relevant laws and administrative rules.


Ø第十八条 排污单位通过市场公开出让方式购买政府出让的排污权的,应当一次性缴清款项,或者按照排污权交易合同的约定缴款。

Article 18 When the pollutant discharge entities obtain the emission rights from the governmental assignment on the public market, they shall pay all the fees at one time or pay as stipulated in the deal contract of emission rights.



(Editors note: it is not mentioned in these Measures that how to assign and how to reexamine and approve again when the effective period of the public auction is expired. It is important to determine the ratio between the quota of the fixed-sum assignment in the public auction and the governmental reserving emission rights and the means of allocation. )



About the pollution control after obtaining the emission rights


第三十一条 有偿取得排污权的单位,不免除其法定污染治理责任和依法缴纳排污费等其他税费的义务。

Article 31 When the entities get the paid emission rights, their statutory duties of controlling the pollutions and of paying the pollutants discharge fees according to law are not exempted.


(编者提示:根据《环境保护法》“第四十五条,未取得排污许可证的,不得排放污染物。” 未来企业无法取得初始排污权、甚至无法通过公开拍卖取得排污权的企业将面临很大压力。即“第六十条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者超过污染物排放标准或者超过重点污染物排放总量控制指标排放污染物的,县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门可以责令其采取限制生产、停产整治等措施;情节严重的,报经有批准权的人民政府批准,责令停业、关闭。”

(Editors note: pursuant to Article 45 of the Environmental Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China, enterprises and institutions shall not discharge pollutants if without discharge permit. In the future, enterprises, which are not able to obtain the initial emission right or get the emission rights through the public auction, will face great pressures. In other words, the situation is as the Article 60 -- where any of the enterprises, public institutions and other business discharges pollutants in violation of the pollutant discharge standard or of the total emission control index of key pollutants, the environmental protection administrative department of the peoples governments at and above the county level may order it to take such measures as restraining the production or suspending production for rectification, or may report for approval to the peoples government of jurisdiction, and order it to shut down or close if the circumstances are serious.











