2015年9月 新法提示 Tips For New Legislations in Sept. 2015 新修订的《大气污染防治法》解读 Interpretation on the lately revised Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution 编者:《大气污染防治法》于 我们将其中与生产性企业关系较为密切的部分与大家分享如下: Editor notes: the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution is formally promulgated as of August 29th, 2015 and shall come into force as of January 1st, 2016. The law continues the requirements stipulated in the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan (also known as the Air Ten Rules 2013-9) and the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China ( 关于政府对环境质量负责并强化了联防体系,这一联络机制将成为固定的运作系统: The people’s government shall be responsible for the environmental quality and strengthen the joint prevention system, and this communication system will be deemed as the set operation system. 第三条 地方各级人民政府应当对本行政区域的大气环境质量负责,制定规划,采取措施,控制或者逐步削减大气污染物的排放量,使大气环境质量达到规定标准并逐步改善。 Article 3 … The local people’s government at various level shall be responsible for the quality of the atmospheric environment within their respective administrative regions, making plans, taking measures and controlling or gradually reducing the emission of atmospheric pollutants, so as to make the quality of the atmospheric environment meet the prescribed standard and be improved gradually. 第八十六条 国家建立重点区域大气污染联防联控机制,统筹协调重点区域内大气污染防治工作。国务院环境保护主管部门根据主体功能区划、区域大气环境质量状况和大气污染传输扩散规律,划定国家大气污染防治重点区域,报国务院批准。 Article 86 The State shall establish a joint prevention and control mechanism for the atmospheric pollution in key regions, conducting overall coordination of the prevention and control work for atmospheric pollution. The administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall designate key regions of the State for the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution in accordance with main functional zones, the quality of the regional atmospheric environment and the transmission and diffusion of atmospheric pollutions, and they shall be subject to the approval by the State Council. 重点区域内有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当确定牵头的地方人民政府,定期召开联席会议,按照统一规划、统一标准、统一监测、统一的防治措施的要求,开展大气污染联合防治,落实大气污染防治目标责任。国务院环境保护主管部门应当加强指导、督促。 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in key regions shall define the leading local people’s government, hold regular joint meetings, carry out the joint prevention and control of atmospheric pollutions based on the requirements of the unified planning, the unified standards, the unified monitoring and the unified measures for the prevention and control, and fulfill the responsibility of the objective of the atmospheric pollution prevention and control. The administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall strengthen the guiding and the supervision. 直接明确了重点污染物和总量控制要求,并将总量交易提升到法律的层面: Directly define key pollutants and the total emission control, and raise the level of the total amount trade to the level of law. 第二条 防治大气污染,应当加强对燃煤、工业、机动车船、扬尘、农业等大气污染的综合防治,推行区域大气污染联合防治,对颗粒物、二氧化硫、氮氧化物、挥发性有机物、氨等大气污染物和温室气体实施协同控制。 Article 第二十一条 国家对重点大气污染物排放实行总量控制。 Article 21 The State applies the total emission control to key atmospheric pollutants.
After the administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council has solicited the opinions from other relevant departments under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and has reported to the State Council for its approval in conjunction with the competent department for comprehensive economic and trade affairs under the State Council,, the objective of the total emission control of the major atmospheric pollutants can be issued.
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall control or reduce the total emission of key atmospheric pollutants within the administrative regions pursuant to the objective of the total emission control issued by the State Council. 国家逐步推行重点大气污染物排污权交易。 The State gradually introduces the trade for the emission rights of key atmospheric pollutants. 第一次提出含挥发性有机物的产品的质量标准,并将生物质燃料及涂料纳入管理。 It is the first time to put forward the quality standards for VOCs, and integrate the biomass fuels and the coating materials into management. 第十三条 制定燃煤、石油焦、生物质燃料、涂料等含挥发性有机物的产品、烟花爆竹以及锅炉等产品的质量标准,应当明确大气环境保护要求。 Article 13 The quality standards for materials containing VOCs, such as the burning of coal, the petroleum coke, the biomass fuels and the coating materials, and for the fireworks and firecrackers and for the boilers shall be made, and the requirements for the atmospheric environmental protection shall be clearly defined.
The introduction of the quality standards for the oil burning shall meet the national requirements for controlling atmospheric pollutants, and be interrelated to and synchronously implemented with the emission standards of atmospheric pollutants for national motor-driven vehicles and non-road mobile machineries.
The term “non-road mobile machineries” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph means mobile machineries assembled with engines and transportable industrial equipments. 关于许可证的发放给出了较为明确的要求: Regarding to the issue of the emission licenses, more specific requirements are stipulated. 第十九条 排放工业废气或者本法第七十八条规定名录中所列有毒有害大气污染物的企业事业单位、集中供热设施的燃煤热源生产运营单位以及其他依法实行排污许可管理的单位,应当取得排污许可证。 Article 19 When any enterprise or institution discharges industrial waste gas or toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutants stipulated in Article 78 of this Law, any unit produces the coal-burning heating source for central heating facilities, and any unit shall be under the management of the emission license according to law, the emission license shall be obtained. 第七十八条 国务院环境保护主管部门应当会同国务院卫生行政部门,根据大气污染物对公众健康和生态环境的危害和影响程度,公布有毒有害大气污染物名录,实行风险管理。 Article 78 The administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council, in conjunction with the administrative department of health under the State Council, shall make public the list of toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutants and implement the risk management in accordance with atmospheric pollutants’ harmful and influencing degree to the public health and the ecological environment.
Any enterprise or institution that discharges any toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutant stipulated in the preceding paragraphs shall establish an early warning system for environmental risks in accordance with relevant national provisions, regularly monitor the discharging points and the surrounding environment, assess environmental risks, inspect the hidden dangers of environmental safety, and take effective measures to prevent environmental risks.
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