2015年8月 新法提示 Tips For New Legislations in Aug. 2015 《排污权出让收入管理暂行办法》 The Interim Measures for the Administration of the Income from the Assignment of Emission Rights 在 It was issued on July 23, jointly by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China, and will become effective on October 1, 2015, which is a further development for the system of total quantity control and the system of pollution discharge license. Its core requirements are as follows. 关于哪些污染物需要排污权,及排污权如何取得? What kind of pollutions that emission rights apply to? How to obtain the emission rights? Ø第三条 本办法所称污染物,是指国家作为约束性指标进行总量控制的污染物,以及试点地区选择对本地区环境质量有突出影响的其他污染物。 Article 3 For the purpose of these Measures, “Pollutions” mean pollutions under the total quantity control as the national restricting indicator, and other pollutions with significant influences on the local environmental quality in the pilot areas. 试点地区要严格按照国家确定的污染物减排要求,将污染物总量控制指标分解到企事业单位,不得突破总量控制上限。 In the pilot areas, the emission reduction of pollutants shall strictly follow the national requirements, allocating the total quantity control indicators of pollutants to enterprises and institutions, and the total emission quantity must not be exceeded. (编者注:根据《大气污染防治行动计划》及《水污染防治行动计划》的要求与及规定,总量指标将会涉及:SO2, NOX,VOC、重金属类,COD,总氮、总磷等。具体指标参数,请见相应行动计划的实施细则及考核办法。) (Editor’s note: in accordance with the requirements and regulations stipulated in the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan and the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, the total quantity control will relate to SO2, NOX, VOC, heavy metals, COD, total nitrogen, total phosphorous etc. For the specific indicators and parameters, please refer to the detailed rules and evaluation measures for the corresponding action plan. ) Ø第四条 本办法所称排污权,是指排污单位按照国家或者地方规定的污染物排放标准,以及污染物排放总量控制要求,经核定允许其在一定期限内排放污染物的种类和数量。 Article 4 For the purpose of these Measures, “Emission rights” mean the types and quantity of pollutants that the pollutant discharge entities are approved and assessed to discharge in a given period of time according to the national or local pollutants discharging standards and requirements for the total quantity control of pollutants. 排污权由试点地区县级以上地方环境保护主管部门(以下简称地方环境保护部门)按照污染源管理权限核定,并以排污许可证形式予以确认。 The emission rights are approved and assessed by the competent environmental protection departments at and above the county level according to the administration power over the pollution sources, and confirmed by the form of pollutant discharge license. Ø第六条 本办法所称现有排污单位,是指试点地区核定初始排污权以及排污权有效期满后重新核定排污权时,已建成投产并通过环保验收的排污单位。 Article 6 For the purpose of these Measures, “pollutants discharge entities”mean entities that have already built and passed the examination and acceptance of environmental protection when the pilot area assesses the initial emission rights or when the effective period of the emission rights has expired and it is under the reassessment of the emission rights. 关于排污权的产生及发放: About the formation and the dispense of emission rights Ø第五条 本办法所称排污权出让收入,是指政府以有偿出让方式配置排污权取得的收入,包括采取定额出让方式出让排污权收取的排污权使用费和通过公开拍卖等方式出让排污权取得的收入。 Article 5 For the purpose of these Measures, “the income from the assignment of emission rights” means incomes gained by the government from dispensing the emission rights by the paid assignment, including the use fees of emission rights from assigning the emission rights by the way of the fixed-sum assignment and the income from assigning the emission rights by the way of the public auction. Ø第十七条 试点地区应当建立排污权储备制度,将储备排污权适时投放市场,调控排污权市场,重点支持战略性新兴产业、重大科技示范等项目建设。储备排污权主要来源包括: Article 17 The pilot area shall establish the reserve system of emission rights, put the reserving emission rights on the market timely, control the market of emission rights, and focus on supporting the development of strategic emerging industries and major scientific and technological demonstration projects. The source of the reserving emission rights includes the followings. 1. the reserving initial emission rights; 2. the spare emission rights bought from pollutants discharge entities through market dealing; 3. the additional emission rights formed from the pollution control invested by the governments; 4. the emission rights without payment will be recovered when the pollutant discharge entities face bankruptcy, shut-down, banning, movement from the administrative area or the pollutant discharge entities do not discharge the pollutants with the total emission control.
(编者注:《环境保护法》中第44条中规定:总量指标下达由上级部门核定,当环境质量目标无法达成时,将采取限批等政策。) (Editor’s note: it is stipulated in the Article 44 of the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China that the allocation of the emission control index shall be assessed by superior departments. When the goal of environmental quality cannot be reached, the policy of the approval restriction will apply.) 关于定额出让: About the fixed-sum assignment Ø第十条 采取定额出让方式出让排污权的,排污单位应当按照排污许可证确认的污染物排放种类、数量和规定征收标准缴纳排污权使用费。 Article 10 Using the way of the fixed sum to assignment the emission rights, the pollutants discharge entities shall pay the use fees of the emission rights pursuant to pollutants discharging types, quantity and the collection rules specified in the pollutant discharge license. Ø第十二条 排污权有效期原则上为五年。有效期满后,排污单位需要延续排污权的,应当按照地方环境保护部门重新核定的排污权,继续缴纳排污权使用费。 Article 12 The effective period of the emission rights is principally five years. After the expiration date of the emission rights,if the pollutant discharge entities need to extend the emission rights, they shall pay the use fees for the emission rights that are examined and approved again by local competent environmental protection departments. Ø第十四条 排污权使用费由地方环境保护部门按照污染源管理权限负责征收。 Article 14 The use fees of emission rights shall be collected by local competent environmental protection departments according to the administration authority of pollution sources. Ø第十五条 对现有排污单位取得排污权,考虑其承受能力,经试点地区省级人民政府批准,在试点初期可暂免缴纳排污权使用费。 Article 15 Considering the capacity ability, when the pollutant discharge entities obtain the emission rights, the use fees of the emission rights can be exempted upon the approval of the provincial people’s government in the pilot area during the beginning period of the pilot work. If the pollutant discharge entities assign or mortgage the emission rights that are obtain freely, the use fees of the assigning or mortgaging emission rights shall be collected according to the specified collection standards. (编者:本次办法中没有提及企业间交易及转让。) (Editor’s note: the trade and the assignment between enterprises are not mentioned in these Measures.)
前一篇: 7月双语法规解读:《挥发性有机物排污收费试点办法》
后一篇: 9月双语法规解读:《大气污染防治法》
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