2015年7月 新法提示 Tips For New Legislations in July 2015 1、 大气污染:有机挥发物(VOC)开始试点收费 Air Pollutions: the pilot collection of the pollutants discharge fees for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) begins. 《挥发性有机物排污收费试点办法》(下称《办法》)由国家财政部、发改委和环保部联合发布,将于 The Pilot Measures for the Collection of the Pollutants Discharge Fees for Volatile Organic Compounds (hereinafter referred to as the Pilot Measures) is jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China, and comes into force on October 1st, 2015. (The Pilot Measures can be downloaded at http://www.ehs.cn/law/102494.html) 本次试行的范围是: The scope of the application of the Pilot Measures is as follows. 石油化工行业和包装印刷行业,具体包括石油化工业中的:原油加工及石油制品制造、有机化学原料制造、初级形态塑料及合成树脂制造、合成橡胶制造、合成纤维单(聚合)体制造、仓储业,以及包装装潢印刷业。同时各地区可以根据本地区实际情况增加VOCs排污收费试点行业,并制定增加试点行业VOCs排污收费办法。(第2条) It applies to the industry of oil and chemical and the industry of packing, decoration and printing. Specifically speaking, the former includes the processing of crude oil, the producing of petroleum products, the manufacturing of the material of organic chemistry, the manufacturing of the elementary form of plastic and synthetic resin, the manufacturing of synthetic rubber, the manufacturing of synthetic single (polymeric) fibre and the industry of warehousing and storage. The pilot industry of collecting the pollutant discharge fees for VOCs can be added according to the local and real situation, and the corresponding collection measures for that can be made. 征收的污染物类别: Categories of the pollutants VOCs是指特定条件下具有挥发性的有机化合物的统称。具有挥发性的有机化合物主要包括非甲烷总烃(烷烃、烯烃、炔烃、芳香烃)、含氧有机化合物(醛、酮、醇、醚等)、卤代烃、含氮化合物、含硫化合物等。(第3条) VOC is a general designation of volatile organic compounds under certain conditions. VOCs mainly include non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) (alkane, olefin, alkyne, aromatic), oVOCs (aldehyde, ketone, ethanol, ether and etc.), halogenerated hydrocarbon, nitrogenous compounds, sulfocompound and etc. (Article 3) 具体征求的办法: Specific Methods of the Collection Ø 每一排放口排放的VOCs均征收VOCs排污费,不受对前3项污染物征收排污费限制. (第5条) Ø The pollutants discharge fees for VOCs that are discharged from each discharging point should be collected, which is unrestricted to the collection of the pollutants discharge fees for the former three pollutants. Ø VOCs排污费按VOCs排放量折合的污染当量数计征。(第6条)计算公式如下: Ø The pollutants discharge fees for VOCs shall be calculated according to the number of the pollutant equivalent of VOCs. (Article 6) The computational formula is as follow: Ø the number of the pollutants equivalent of VOCs = the quantity of the VOCs emission (kilo)/ the value of the pollutant equivalent of VOCs VOCs污染当量值暂定为0.95千克。 The value of the pollutant equivalent of VOCs is temporarily set as 0.95 kilo. 行政征收流程与核算: The administrative collection procedures and accounting 《办法》要求:排污者应在规定期限内向地方环境保护主管部门报送《试点行业VOCs排放申报登记表》,申报VOCs排放量。(第9条) 《办法》同时规定: Pursuant to the Pilot Measures, the pollution discharger shall report the Declaration and Registration Form of VOCs Discharging from Pilot Industries to local competent environmental protection departments in prescribed time limit and declare the discharging quantity of VOCs. (Article 9) Meanwhile, the Pilot Measures puts forward the following requirements. Ø 石油化工行业排污者在报送《试点行业VOCs排放申报登记表》时,应一并填报各污染源项情况表,详细列明各污染源项生产装置、工作流程、处理设施等信息。(编者注:附2 中给出了石化行业VOCs排放量计算办法) Ø When reporting the Declaration and Registration Form of VOCs Discharging from Pilot Industries, pollutants dischargers from the industry of oil and chemical shall fill in the Information Form of Pollutants Source, offering the detailed list including the producing equipment of all pollutant sources, the producing processes and the treatment facilities etc. (Editor's note: the calculating method of the discharging quantity of VOCs for the industry of oil and chemical is given in the Attachment 2). Ø 包装印刷行业排污者在报送《试点行业VOCs排放申报登记表》时,应一并提供购买、使用原辅料和有机溶剂的发票、结算或领料凭证;原料供货商提供的VOCs含量说明;危险废物处理发票等材料。(编者注:附3 包装印刷行业VOCs排放量计算办法) Ø When reporting the Declaration and Registration Form of VOCs Discharging from Pilot Industries, pollutants dischargers from the industry of packing and printing shall offer the invoices, the voucher of clearing and claim checks of purchasing and using the raw and accessory materials and organic solvent, the contents statement of VOCs provided by raw materials suppliers and the treatment invoices of hazardous wastes. (Editor’s Note: he calculating method of the discharging quantity of VOCs for the industry of packing and printing is given in the Attachment 3). 编者点评: Editor’s Comments The Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan issued on September 10, 2013, requires that the license administration and the total quantity control shall apply to VOCs. The Pilot Measures starts from the industry of oil and chemical and the industry of packing and printing, and then will extend to other general industries in one or two years. We notice that enterprises shall pay attention to the following issues. Ø 部分相关行业企业未拿到许可证,或者许可证上没有注明相关的总量要求。 Ø Some enterprises of relevant industries have not obtained the license, or there are no requirements for the total quantity on the licenses. Ø 请仔细阅读《办法》的附件4,石油行业共在表1至表10,.其中涉及大量排放源、装置、设备、废气处理、有组织及无组织排放、甚至事故排放等诸多细节。 Ø Please read carefully the Attachment 4 of the Pilot Measures, for the industry of oil is listed in from table 1 to table 10, involving many details such as the discharge source, devices, equipments, the treatment of exhaust gas, organized discharging and non-organized discharging and even the accident discharging . 因此,我们提醒石油行业及包装行业的朋友们,留意该《办法》的同时,积极与地方环保部门沟通,以确认申报的时机及具体信息的要求。同时、提醒各位企业的环保负责人《环境税》已在路上,这将是环境税中的一个方面,因此留意如何核算、如何减排是非常关键性的问题。 Therefore, we hereby remind our friends from the industry of oil and chemical and the industry of packing and printing that you shall pay attention to the Pilot Measures and actively communicate with local competent environmental protection departments so as to make sure the declaring time and specific information requirements. Meanwhile, we friendly remind you that the promulgation of the Environmental Protection Tax Law of the People's Republic of China is on the way, which will be one aspect of environmental protection taxes; therefore, it is a critical issue to pay attention to the appraisal and calculation and how to reduce the emission.
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