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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 8月EHS双语法规:《水污染防治法》修订解读


2017-8-23 14:27 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 17182 | 评论: 4 | 来自: EHS.CN


Bilingual interpretation in August 2017


Interpretation of the Water Pollution Prevention

& Control Law of the People's Republic of China


     The Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China was amended for the second time and was officially issued on June 27, 2017, which was nearly half a year later than expected originally. However, the content of this revision is quite different from that of the consultation draft issued last year. To this end, we are sharing relevant contents as follows.

(1) 再次强化了“规划”的作用,强化了不同级别地方政府对规划的责任:

Strengthen the role of the "planning" once again, and strengthen the responsibility of planning of local governments at different levels:

第十六条 防治水污染应当按流域或者按区域进行统一规划。国家确定的重要江河、湖泊的流域水污染防治规划,由国务院环境保护主管部门会同国务院经济综合宏观调控、水行政等部门和有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府编制,报国务院批准。……”

Article 16 The prevention and control of water pollution must be under unified planning by drainage area or region. The planning for the prevention and control of water pollution of an important river or lake determined by the state must be prepared by the administrative department of environmental protection and departments of macroeconomic control and water administration under the State Council together with the people's government of the related province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and be submitted to the State Council for approval. ……

第十七条 有关市、县级人民政府应当按照水污染防治规划确定的水环境质量改善目标的要求,制定限期达标规划,采取措施按期达标。

Article 17 The relevant city or county people's government shall, according to the requirements of the objective of improving water environment quality as determined in accordance with the plan for the prevention and control of water pollution, make a plan for reaching the objective within a prescribed time limit, and take measures to reach the objective on schedule.


The relevant city or county people's government shall report the plan on reaching the objective within the prescribed time limit to the people's government at the next higher level for recordation, and release it to the public.


(Editor's note: the revision of the Classified Administration Catalogue of Environmental Impact Assessments for Construction Projects was issued on June 29, and will be come into force on September 1, 2017. A clearer definition of environmental sensitive areas is provided in this Catalogue for your reference and understanding:

“第三条 本名录所称环境敏感区是指依法设立的各级各类保护区域和对建设项目产生的环境影响特别敏感的区域,主要包括生态保护红线范围内或者其外的下列区域:

Article 3 The environmental sensitive areas in this Catalogue refer to various protected areas at all levels established by laws and the areas that are particularly sensitive to environmental impacts caused by construction projects, mainly including the areas within the red lines of ecological protection areas and the following areas outside the red lines of ecological protection areas:


(1) natural reserves, scenic and historic areas, areas of world cultural and natural heritage, special marine reserves, conservation areas of drinking water;


(2) the basic farmland protection areas, basic grassland, forest park, geological park, important wetlands, natural forest, major habitats of wild animals, growth and reproduction areas for key protected wild plants, natural spawning areas for important aquatic animals, feeding grounds, wintering grounds and migration channels, natural fishing field, key water loss and soil erosion prevention and control areas, sealed conservation areas of desertified land, closed and semi closed seas;


(3) areas with the main functions of living, medicine and health, cultural education, scientific research and administrative office, as well as cultural relics protection units.









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引用 原来如此 2018-12-18 11:04
引用 古浪 2018-8-18 09:16
引用 南南llo 2018-7-28 10:38
引用 Jenny_liu 2018-1-24 14:36
Bilingual is good 
