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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 8月EHS双语法规:《水污染防治法》修订解读


2017-8-23 14:27 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 17184 | 评论: 4 | 来自: EHS.CN


Examples of its application are as follows:

(2) 对水源地保护区内的已建成项目,进一步明显提出了“关闭拆除”的要求:

For the completed construction projects built in the conservation areas of drinking water, the requirements of "demolishing and shutting down" is further proposed clearly.

第六十五条 禁止在饮用水水源一级保护区内新建、改建、扩建与供水设施和保护水源无关的建设项目;已建成的与供水设施和保护水源无关的建设项目,由县级以上人民政府责令拆除或者关闭。

Article 65 The building, renovation and enlargement of construction projects that are irrelevant to water supply facilities and water source protection are forbidden in the first-class conservation areas of drinking water; the completed construction projects that are irrelevant to water supply facilities and water source protection shall be ordered to demolished or shut down by the local people's government at or above the county level.


It is forbidden to engage in cage farming, tourism, swimming, fishing or other activities that may contaminate drinking water bodies in the first-class conservation areas of drinking water.

第六十六条 禁止在饮用水水源二级保护区内新建、改建、扩建排放污染物的建设项目;已建成的排放污染物的建设项目,由县级以上人民政府责令拆除或者关闭。

Article 66 The building, renovation and enlargement of construction projects discharging pollutants are forbidden in the second-class conservation areas of drinking water; the completed construction projects that are irrelevant to water supply facilities and water source protection shall be ordered to demolished or shut down by the local people's government at or above the county level.


Where engaging in the activities of cage farming, tourism and so on, measures should be taken in accordance with regulations to prevent the drinking water from being polluted. 

第六十七条 禁止在饮用水水源准保护区内新建、扩建对水体污染严重的建设项目;改建建设项目,不得增加排污量。”

Article 67 The building and enlargement of construction projects with heavy pollutions to water bodies are forbidden in the quasi conservation areas of drinking water; the renovation of construction projects shall not bring any increase of pollutants.

(3) 清晰了许可证的范围为工业和医疗废水,未对“生活废水”提出许可要求:

Clear clarify that the scope of the license is industrial waste water and medical sewage; the requirements for the license of domestic sewage has not been proposed.

第二十一条 直接或者间接向水体排放工业废水和医疗污水以及其他按照规定应当取得排污许可证方可排放的废水、污水的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者,应当取得排污许可证; 城镇污水集中处理设施的运营单位,也应当取得排污许可证。排污许可证应当明确排放水污染物的种类、浓度、总量和排放去向等要求。排污许可的具体办法由国务院规定。

Article 21 An enterprise or public institution which directly or indirectly discharges industrial waste water or medical sewage to waters or waste water or sewage that may be discharged after a pollutant discharge license is obtained as required shall obtain a pollutant discharge license. An entity operating facilities for the centralized treatment of urban sewage shall also obtain a pollutant discharge license. The pollutant discharge license shall specify the types, concentration, total discharge and discharge direction of water pollutants, etc. The specific measures for the pollutant discharge license shall be prescribed by the State Council.


All enterprises and public institutions and other producers and dealers are prohibited from discharging the waste water and sewage as prescribed in the preceding paragraph to waters without a pollutant discharge license or in violation of the provisions of the pollutant discharge license.


(Editor's note: recently, various provinces have promulgated their respective implementation plans in accordance with the requirements proposed in the Implementation Plan for the Permit System for Controlling Pollutants Emission and the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits issued in November 2016.

The scope of the license stipulated in this Law is consistent with the above two new regulations. The treatment of domestic sewage will be concentrated in urban sewage treatment plants, which will carried out as a solution to pollution control.)

(4)要求企业进行自行监测, 并对监测结果负责,政府的监测网已显示威力。

Enterprises are required to carry out the self-monitoring and be responsible for the monitoring results. The government's monitoring network has shown its power.

第二十三条 实行排污许可管理的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者应当按照国家有关规定和监测规范,对所排放的水污染物自行监测,并保存原始监测记录。重点排污单位还应当安装水污染物排放自动监测设备,与环境保护主管部门的监控设备联网,并保证监测设备正常运行。具体办法由国务院环境保护主管部门规定。

Article 23 An enterprise or public institution that conducts licensed management of pollutant discharge or any other producer or dealer shall, according to the relevant provisions and monitoring rules of the state, monitor the discharged water pollutants, and retain original monitoring records. Major pollutant discharge entities shall also install equipment for the automatic monitoring of discharge of water pollutants, link to the monitoring equipment of the administrative department for environmental protection, and guarantee the normal operation of monitoring equipment. The specific measures shall be prescribed by the administrative department for environmental protection of the State Council.


The list of major pollutant-discharging entities required to install automatic monitoring equipment on the discharge of water pollutants shall be determined by the administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at the level of municipality divided into districts or above by consulting with the related departments at the same level in light of the environmental capacity of the administrative region, the requirements of the indicators on total discharge control of important water pollutants as well as the category, quantity and concentration of water pollutants discharged by pollutant-discharging entities.

第二十四条 实行排污许可管理的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者应当对监测数据的真实性和准确性负责。

Article 24 Enterprises and public institutions that conduct licensed management of pollutant discharge and other producers and dealers shall be responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the monitoring data.

第二十五条 国家建立水环境质量监测和水污染物排放监测制度。国务院环境保护主管部门负责制定水环境监测规范,统一发布国家水环境状况信息,会同国务院水行政等部门组织监测网络,统一规划国家水环境质量监测站(点)的设置,建立监测数据共享机制,加强对水环境监测的管理。

Article 25 The state shall establish rules for the monitoring of water environment quality and monitoring of water pollutant discharge. The administrative department of environmental protection of the State Council shall be responsible for working out water environment monitoring standards, releasing the state's water environment situation in a uniform manner and organizing a monitoring network with the water administrative department and other departments of the State Council, make uniform planning on the setup of stations (outlets) for the monitoring of water quality environment of the state, establish a monitoring data sharing mechanism, and strengthen the administration of water environment monitoring.

  (编者注:在2017年4月新颁布的《排污单位自行监测技术指南 总则》(HJ 819-2017)提出的监测要求不仅包括企业的排放监测,还包括周边环境质量、相关工艺及污染治理设施处理效果等多方面。因此,企业对如何证明自己的符合性,如何提供有效数据要有所准备。)

   (Editor's note: monitoring requirements proposed in the Self-monitoring Technology Guidelines for Pollution Sources General Rules (HJ 819-2017) newly issued in April 2017 include not only the emission monitoring over enterprises but also the quality of the surrounding environment and the treatment effect of related technology and pollution control facilities. Therefore, enterprises shall be ready for demonstrating their conformity and how to provide effective data.)

(5) 要求企业对可能造成地下水污染的设施进行地下水水质监测:

Enterprises are required to monitor groundwater quality where facilities may cause groundwater contamination.

第四十条 化学品生产企业以及工业集聚区、矿山开采区、尾矿库、危险废物处置场、垃圾填埋场等的运营、管理单位,应当采取防渗漏等措施,并建设地下水水质监测井进行监测,防止地下水污染。

Article 40 Chemical production enterprises and the running and managing units for industrial agglomeration area, mining area, tailings, hazardous waste disposal area and the refuse landfill shall take anti-leakage measures, and monitor the groundwater quality in the  construction monitoring wells so as to prevent groundwater pollution.


Underground oil tanks, such as in gas stations, should use double tanks or other effective measures shall be taken such as building impervious basins, and anti seepage monitoring shall be carried out to prevent groundwater contamination.


(Editor's note: the requirement for monitoring groundwater and the double tank is not  a new measure, it has been proposed in many design specifications as a kind of technology   and management method. However, it is formally put forward this time, and it is believed that it will bring impacts on the reconstruction and operation of existing facilities for a large number of enterprises.)


     Under the strong supervision of the Central Environmental Protection Inspectorate, the local governments and authorities began to have a more in-depth understanding on the "rigidity" of the relevant requirements, and the previous concepts of "ambiguity" and "avoiding legal risks and requirements " have come to an end.








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引用 原来如此 2018-12-18 11:04
引用 古浪 2018-8-18 09:16
引用 南南llo 2018-7-28 10:38
引用 Jenny_liu 2018-1-24 14:36
Bilingual is good 
