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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 7月EHS双语解读:建设项目职业病防护设施“三同时”监督管理办法


2017-7-12 11:16 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 25252 | 评论: 2 | 来自: EHS.CN
摘要:预防职业病的防治是企业安全生产管理的重要组成部分,在2016年底连续发布了多个重要法规对未来职业病防治工作有着重要影响:Prevention of occupational diseases is an important component of enterprise work saf ...

Fourthly, the preliminary evaluation, the design and the check acceptance shall be carried out by the construction entity without mandatory requirements on time but with requirements for the workflow and the order:

Ø 第九条 对可能产生职业病危害的建设项目,建设单位应当在建设项目可行性论证阶段进行职业病危害预评价,编制预评价报告。

Ø Article 9 For a construction project that may have occupational disease hazards, the construction entity shall conduct the preliminary evaluation of occupational disease hazards during the feasibility study stage of the construction project, and prepare the preliminary evaluation report.

Ø 第十五条 存在职业病危害的建设项目,建设单位应当在施工前按照职业病防治有关法律、法规、规章和标准的要求,进行职业病防护设施设计。

Ø Article 15 For a construction project with occupational disease hazards, the construction entity shall, before construction, design facilities for the prevention and control of occupational diseases in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations, rules and standards on the prevention and control of occupational diseases.

Ø 第二十四条 建设项目在竣工验收前或者试运行期间,建设单位应当进行职业病危害控制效果评价,编制评价报告。

Ø Article 24 Before the completion check and acceptance of the construction project or during the trial running period of the construction project, the construction entity shall carry out the evaluation of control effect of the occupational disease hazards, and prepare the evaluation report.



Fifthly, "professional occupational health technicians" are responsible for the preliminary evaluation, the design and the acceptance report, which can be determined by the construction entity, and the materials of design and report shall be formed and reported for future reference.


Ø 第十二条 职业病危害预评价报告编制完成后,属于职业病危害一般或者较重的建设项目,其建设单位主要负责人或其指定的负责人应当组织具有职业卫生相关专业背景的中级及中级以上专业技术职称人员或者具有职业卫生相关专业背景的注册安全工程师(以下统称职业卫生专业技术人员)对职业病危害预评价报告进行评审,并形成是否符合职业病防治有关法律、法规、规章和标准要求的评审意见;属于职业病危害严重的建设项目,其建设单位主要负责人或其指定的负责人应当组织外单位职业卫生专业技术人员参加评审工作,并形成评审意见。建设单位应当按照评审意见对职业病危害预评价报告进行修改完善,并对最终的职业病危害预评价报告的真实性、客观性和合规性负责。职业病危害预评价工作过程应当形成书面报告备查。

Article 12 After the completion of preparation of the report on the preliminary evaluation of occupational disease hazards, for a construction project with ordinary or relatively serious occupational disease hazards, the principal person in charge of its construction entity or the person in charge designated by it shall organize personnel with professional technical titles of the intermediate level or above and with professional background relating to occupational health or registered safety engineers with professional background relating to occupational health (hereinafter collectively referred to as “professional occupational health technicians”) to review the report on the preliminary evaluation of occupational disease hazards, and form review opinions on whether it complies with the requirements of laws, regulations, rules and standards on the prevention and control of occupational diseases.For a construction project with serious occupational disease hazards, the principal person in charge of its construction entity or the person in charge designated by it shall organize professional occupational health technicians of another entity to participate in the review, and form review opinions.

The construction entity shall, according to the review opinion, amend and improve the report on the preliminary evaluation of occupational disease hazards, and be responsible for the authenticity, objectiveness and regulatory compliance of the final report on the preliminary evaluation of occupational disease hazards. A written report on the process of the preliminary evaluation of occupational disease hazards shall be formed for future reference.

Ø 第十七条 职业病防护设施设计完成后,….(编者注:要求与第十二条类似)

Ø Article 17 After the completion of the design of the facilities for the prevention and control of occupational diseases,…. (Editor's note: the requirements are similar with that of Article 12)

Ø 第二十六条 ….(编者注:规定了”对效果评价报告进行评审以及对职业病防护设施进行验收”的人员要求,与第十二条类似)

Ø Article 26 …. (Editor's note: it stipulates the requirements for the personnel that carry out the review over the effectiveness evaluation report and the check and acceptance work over the facilities for the prevention and control of occupational diseases, which is similar with Article 12)


    (Editor's note: the Measures only stipulates that the construction entity shall organize the preparation of the report and complete the design, but it has not made specific requirements for the capacity and ability of the reporter and the designer. In order to ensure that the report and the design can meet the requirements of the relevant standards and regulations, the Measures has proposed that "reviews" shall be carried out for each process so as to ensure that the report, the design and the check acceptance can meet corresponding quality requirements, which means next process can be entered into only after passing the review.The reviewers are referred to as "professional occupational health technicians", but the specific requirements for qualifications or titles are not very clear, only the "titles of the intermediate level or above and with professional background relating to occupational health or registered safety engineers with professional background relating to occupational health" has been put forward.



Sixthly, it is about main points of the government supervision and inspection.



    Article 31, Article 32 and Article 33 of the Measures have stipulated the important contents of the inspection by the relevant government organizations over enterprises, brief interpretations are set out as follows:




Ø 对建设项目可能产生的职业病危害因素及其对工作场所、劳动者健康影响与危害程度进行分析、评价;

Ø 明确建设项目职业病危害风险类别;

Ø 等




Ø 明确职业病防护设施和应急救援设施的名称、规格、型号、数量、分布,并对防控性能进行分析;

Ø 明确辅助用室及卫生设施的设置情况;明确职业病防护设施和应急救援设施投资预算;

Ø 等要求




Ø 职业病危害防治管理措施是否齐全;

Ø 建设项目职业病防护设施验收方案、职业病危害严重建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价与职业病防护设施验收工作报告是否按照规定向安全生产监督管理部门进行报告; 等等


Article 31

Inspection and supervision over the preliminary evaluation of occupational disease hazards

Specific requirements include 8 items:

Ø analyze and estimate the factors of the occupational disease hazards brought by the construction project, their impacts on the workplaces and the health of the workers and their serious degrees;

Ø make clear the categories of occupational disease hazards of construction projects;

Ø and etc.

Article 32

Inspection and supervision over the design of facilities for the prevention and control of occupational diseases

Specific requirements include 9 items:

Ø make clear the name, specification, type, quantity and distribution of the facilities for the prevention and control of occupational diseases and emergency rescue facilities, and analyze their prevention and control performance;

Ø make clear the establishment of auxiliary rooms and sanitation facilities, and make clear the investment budget of facilities for the prevention an








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引用 bobvip1234 2018-11-19 12:07
引用 南南llo 2018-7-31 12:47
