2 事故案例及专业机构的风险: 2 Cases of Accidents and Risks of Professional Agencies 广东省安全生产监管管理局于 On June 4, the Administration of Work Safety of Guangdong Province issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Supervision of the Professional Service Agencies of Work Safety (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), putting forward to further strengthen the supervision of the professional agencies such as the safety evaluation institution. This is consistent with the problems of safety agencies presented in the investigation report of recent major accidents. 近期事故案例: Recent Cases About 9:00 am on March 11, 2015, a poisoning accident happened in the Lierde Printing and Dyeing Co. Ltd., locating at NO. 12 the Science 4th Road, Xintan Town, Shunde District, Foshan, Guangdong, and there were 61 employees suffering poisoning gas inhalation (For more information, please refer to http://www.ehs.cn/article-18445-1.html). 在 The investigation report issued on May 29 stated that “ safety evaluation agencies and the intermediary assistance agencies of work safety standards acted without due diligence during the Lierde Company’s establishment of the third level enterprise of work safety standards”, pointed out that the safety professional service agencies, including the Huajian Safety Evaluation Co. Ltd., Guangdong and the Technique and Consulting Co. Ltd. of Safety Evaluation, Shunde, Guangdong, should be responsible for the consequence of the accident, and suggested that these two companies should be disqualified from the qualification of safety evaluation and should be turned over to the public security departments and dealt with in accordance with the law. 该案例在专业服务机构及相关人群中引起很大反响,进而引发了《通知》的出台。《通知》对安全服务的专业机构、专业机构的审批机构(相关协会)及主管政府(安监局)提出了要求,包括: The said case has caused great repercussions among the professional service agencies and relevant people, and further led to the promulgation of the Notice. The Notice has put forward the requirements for the professional service agencies of work safety, the approval agencies for the professional agencies (relevant associations) and the competent governmental departments (the Administration of Work Safety), the detail is as follows. Ø 对安评机构:各安全生产专业服务机构要确保专业技术服务和报告质量,保证技术服务客观真实,保证检测数据和评价结论客观公正,对出具的报告真实性负责。 Ø For the safety evaluation agencies: all professional service agencies of work safety shall guarantee the quality of the professional and technical service and the report, ensure that the technical service is objective and authentic, ensure the inspection and testing data and the evaluating conclusion are objective and fair, and be responsible for the authenticity of the report issued. Ø 对安监局:建立“黑名单”制度。在日常监管工作中要及时掌握辖区内安全生产专业服务机构的评价质量和业务水平,建立执业信誉档案,将缺乏诚信、违法乱纪的机构列入“黑名单”管理,及时向社会公布。 Ø For the Administration of Work Safety: establish the system of "blacklist". During the daily supervision, the Administration of Work Safety shall clearly obtain the evaluation quality and the professional ability of the professional service agencies of work safety within the jurisdiction in a timely manner, set up the files for agencies' credibility, put the agencies lack of integrity or violating the law and discipline into the "blacklist", and announce it to the public in a timely manner. 编者点评: Comments from the Editor 这一《通知》并非新的规定。核心的问题在于事故案例暴露出来的问题会引发怎样的连锁效应?而2014年8月2号“ 8.2特别重大爆炸事故调查报告”中也同样指出“江苏省淮安市建筑设计研究院、南京工业大学、江苏莱博环境检测技术有限公司和昆山菱正机电环保设备有限公司等单位,违法违规进行建筑设计、安全评价、粉尘检测、除尘系统改造,对事故发生负有重要责任。”但尚未提及公安和刑责。 The said Notice is not a new rule. The core problem is that what kind of chain influence will be caused by the problems exposed in the accident cases. In the investigation report for "the 8.2 (August 2, 2014) Very Serious Explosion Accident", it points out that "the Huaian Institute of Architectural Design and Research, the Nanjing University of Technology, the Laibo Co. Ltd. of the Environmental Inspection Technology, and the Kunshan Ling Environmental Protection Equipment Co. Ltd. illegally carried out the construction design, the safety evaluation, the dust testing and the alteration of the dust removing system, and shall take the major responsibility for the accident." However, the public security departments and the criminal responsibility are not mentioned.
不用讳言:安全评价等专业服务机构必须提供专业的服务、确保服务的质量与水平;并且必须承担相关的连带责任。当这种责任被推演至“不可以犯错”并且比企业负责人的责任更加重大时,我们不难想象这将如何改变专业服务机构的定位及业务,进而影响企业本身的安全设计及管理系统。 It does not avoid mentioning that the professional service agencies of safety evaluation shall provide professional services, guarantee the quality and professionalism of the services, and bear the joint and several liabilities. When this kind of liability turns into the mistake that can never be made and the responsibility of the person in charge of an enterprise becomes greater, it is not difficult to imagine that how this will change the orientation and the business of these professional service agencies so as to further influence enterprises’ safety design and the management system.
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