2016年3月 新法提示 Tips For New Legislations in Mar. 2016 解读《粉尘防爆安全规程》(修订稿) Interpretation of the Safety Regulations for Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection (Revision) EHS.CN 写在前面: Kindly notice before EHS.CN’ interpretation 《粉尘防爆安全规程(GB 15577-2007)》即将修订,正在征求意见之中。 The Safety Regulations for Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection (GB 15577-2007) is being revised, which is under the stage of soliciting public comments. 2月3日,江苏昆山“8·2”爆炸事故宣判,14名被告人分别被判处3年至7年6个月不等的刑罚。这让我们回顾起2014年江苏昆山“8·2”粉尘爆炸事故,事故造成146人死亡、114人受伤,经济损失逾3.5亿。 On February 3rd, the sentence was pronounced for the "8·2" dust explosion case happened in Kunshan, Jiangsu, and 14 defenses were respectively sentenced to the fixed-term imprisonment from 3 years to 7 years and a half, which reminds us that the "8·2" dust explosion case had caused 146 people died, 114 people injured and pecuniary loss over 35,000,000. 爆炸性粉尘一向是企业安全管理的重点之一,有大量的技术标准与规范。在环境健康安全网的EHS法律法规数据库中,仅行业性的规定,就包括饲料加工(GB 19081-2008)、粮食加工、储运(GB 17440-2008)、亚麻纤维加工(GB 19881-2005)、铝镁粉加工(GB 17269-2003)以及、烟草加工(GB 18245-2000)。 Explosive dust is one of the key controlling aspects of enterprises' safety management, having plenty of technical standards and regulations. In the data of EHS laws and regulations on EHS.CN, industrial regulations include the Safety Regulations for Dust Explosion Prevention in Feed Processing System (GB 19081-2008), the Safety Regulations for Dust Explosion Prevention in Grain Processing, Storage and Transportation System (GB 17440-2008), the Safety Regulations for Dust Explosion Prevention in Flax Fiber Processing System (GB 19881-2005), the Safety Regulations for the Prevention and Protection of Dust Explosion in Manufacturing Powder of Aluminum and/or Magnesium (GB 17269-2003) and the Safety Regulations for Dust Explosion Prevention in Tobacco Processing System (GB 18245-2000). 2016年1月18日国家安全总局公布征求意见稿的《粉尘防爆安全规程(GB 15577-2007)》。该标准为通用行业的规定,适合面与影响范围均大的多。 On January 18th, 2016, the State Administration of Work Safety issued the consultation paper of the Safety Regulations for Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection (GB 15577-2007) (hereinafter referred to as this Safety Regulation), which is applicable for general industries with large coverage and great influence. 由于标准涉及大量技术要求,我们仅将两者比较后的不同,在此提示安全管理人员,以补足相应管理的缺失,确保企业与安全管理工作的持续合规。 Since this Safety Regulation relates to plenty of technical requirements, we hereby use the differences discovered from the comparison between the revised version and the original version to remind safety management personnel to make up the corresponding lacks of the management, so as to ensure the continuous compliance of enterprises' safety management work with relevant regulations. 1、 结构性及总体要求的改变 Firstly, it is about the change of the structure and general requirements.
1、 引入20、21、22的分区要求 Secondly, it is about the introduction of the zoning requirements of Zone 20, 21 and 22. 此次修订的一个突出点是:引入了电力设备安全标准中的危险分区的概念。 One of the highlights of this revision is the introduction of the concept of hazardous zones under the safety standards for electrical installations. “4.8 粉尘爆炸危险区域应根据可燃性粉尘云出现的频繁程度和持续时间划分为20区、21区和22区,分区应符合下列规定: 4.8 Areas subject to dust explosion hazards shall be divided into Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 according to the frequency of the emergency of combustible dust cloud and its last period. The zone division shall follow the following rules. ——20区应为爆炸性粉尘环境持续地或长期地或频繁地出现的区域; —— Zone 20 shall be the area where the environment of explosive dust emerges continuously or frequently or lasts for a long time; ——21区应为在正常运行时,爆炸性粉尘环境可能偶尔出现或故障状态下出现的区域; —— Zone 21 shall be the area where the environment of explosive dust emerges occasionally or under the condition of hitches while the process running normally; ——22区应为在正常运行时,爆炸性粉尘环境一般不可能出现的区域,即使出现,持续时间也是短暂的。” —— Zone 21 shall be the area where the environment of explosive dust may not emerge under normal condition while the process running normally, or even it emerges, it will not last long. EHS.CN注: EHS.CN’s notes 在本标准中引入“20、21、22分区三类危险等级”是电力设备装置设计管理的管理手段。该分区办法源于IEC 1241-1-1及IEC 600079-10-2等国际标准,现GB引用该分区办法的标准包括:《爆炸危险环境电力装置设计规范》(GB50058-2014)、《可燃性粉尘环境用电气设备》GB 12476.1~3-2007、《危险场所电气防爆规范》AQ 3009-2008等。 That “the three hazardous levels of Zone 20, 21 and 22” introduced into this Safety Regulations is a management method used for the design and management of electrical installations, whose source is international standards of IEC 1241-1-1 and IEC 600079-10-2. Currently, the GB standards with the zoning management applied include the Code for Design of Electrical Installations in Explosive Atmospheres (GB50058-2014), the Electrical Apparatus for Use in the Presence of Combustible Dust (GB 12476.1~3-2007), the Prevention and Protection Specification of Electrical Explosion in hazardous areas (AQ 3009-2008) and so on. 分区管理是电力、石油、化工等行业通用且有效的安全管理实践,并没有在一般制造业企业中普及,甚至那些金属加工、食品生产、纺织塑胶等等企业存在爆炸性粉尘危害的企业也较少使用。昆山中荣就是一个典型的典型案例。 The zoning management is a generally-used and effective safety management practice for the industries of electricity, petroleum and chemical, but it is not widely used in the general manufacturing enterprises or rarely used in the enterprises of metal processing, food production, textile and plastics where hazards of explosive dust exist. ZHONGRONG (Kunshan) is one typical case. 为此国家安全监管总局组织制定了《工贸行业重点可燃性粉尘目录(2015版)》和《工贸行业可燃性粉尘作业场所工艺设施防爆技术指南(试行)》两个办法规定一般制造业的粉尘危害。(请登录http://www.ehs.cn/law查询) Therefore, the State Administration of Work Safety drew up the Catalogue of Key Combustible Dusts for Commercial and Manufacturing Industries (the 2015 version) and the Technical Guide for Explosion Prevention and Protection of Processing Facilities at Working Places Subject to Combustible Dust for Commercial and Manufacturing Industries to stipulate the dust hazards for the general manufacturing industries. 三:全生命周期,从设计源头抓起 Thirdly, it is about the full life cycle, which shall be supervised from the very beginning of design. 5 建(构)筑物的结构与布局 (共5.1~5.6等6条,包括位置、建筑物、出口、通道的一般性要求,应符合《建设防火规范》GB50016-2015的规定。) 5 the structure and layout of buildings (fixtures) (6 articles in total, from 5.1 to 5.6, including general requirements for locations, building, exits and passageways, which shall comply with the Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings GB50016-2015). 5.3企业存在粉尘爆炸危险的生产工艺应委托具有相关资质的专业机构设计及施工安装;存在粉尘爆炸危险的工艺、设备宜设置在露天场所;如厂房内有粉尘爆炸危险的工艺设备,宜设置在建筑物内较高的位置,并靠近外墙。” 5.3 The design, construction and installation of production processes where dust explosion hazards exist in enterprises shall be commissioned to relevant professional institutions with competent qualification; production processes and equipments with dust explosion hazards shall be placed outdoor; processing equipments with dust explosion hazards locating in plants shall be placed on the upper floors of the building and near the exterior wall. EHS.CN注: EHS.CN's notes 本质安全的源头在于设计、与所选用的硬件本身的安全性。本规范中的4.1、4.7及10.7中涉及的要求还包括设计、变更、改造、再检测确认等。 而07版中无此要求,专业机构的设计能力中的安全要求,将成为安全管理中难点。 The fountainhead of safety depends on the design and the safety of the hardwares used. Requirements involved in Article 4.1, 4.7 and 10.7 of this Safety Regulations include design, modification, transformation, reexamination and reconfirm. However, it was not stated in the 2007 version. Therefore, the safety requirements shown in the design ability of the professional institutions will become the difficulty of safety management. 在江苏昆山“8•2”特别重大粉尘爆炸事故中,主要原因之一即为:除尘系统设计、制造、安装、改造违规。事故车间除尘系统改造委托的公司无设计安装资质。未设置导除静电的接地装置、未按《粉尘爆炸泄压指南》(GB/T15605-2008)要求设置泄爆装置,未设置防水防潮设施等。 One of main reasons causing the "8•2" extremely serious dust-explosion accident in Kunshan, Jiangsu is that design of dust removal system, manufacturing, installation and modification were against regulations to some degree. The modification of the dust removal system used in the plant where the accident happened was commissioned to a company without the competent qualification of design and installation. The grounding device used for removing static electricity was not set up, the explosion venting device was not set according to the requirements of the Code for Pressure Venting of Dust Explosion (GB/T15605-2008), and the waterproof and moisture-proof facilities were not set. 四、人员管理,总是重中之中:不经过培训,或培训不合格,不得上岗 Fourthly, the personnel management is the priority among priorities. One without training or failed in the training shall not go to his post.
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