同时还规定五种单位至少每半年报送一次,这五种单位是:“(一)矿山、金属冶炼、建筑施工单位,道路运输单位,危险物品生产、经营、储存、运输和废弃处置单位;(二)从业人员超过100人的危险物品使用、船舶修造、机械制造、建材、电力单位和农业机械作业合作组织;(三)职业病危害严重的用人单位和从业人员超过100人的存在职业病危害的用人单位;(四)从业人员超过1000人的其他生产经营单位; (五)省级负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门确定的其他生产经营单位。” Meanwhile, five types of enterprises shall report once half a year, including: (1)mining, metal smelting and constructing enterprises, road transport enterprises, and enterprises of producing, operating, storing, transporting and disposing dangerous chemicals; (2)enterprises of using dangerous chemicals, ship repairing, machinery manufacturing, constructing materials and power with more than 100 employees and the cooperation organizes of agricultural machinery operations with more than 100 employees; (3) employers with serious occupational hazards and employers having more than 100 employees with occupational hazards; (4) other production and operation units with more than 10000 employees; (5) other production and operation units appointed by administration departments of work safety at provincial level. 编者注:上述要求是一个很高的要求,有点自报家丑的味道。必须留意的是这里提出上报要求的是“隐患”而非“重大隐患”!大量数据的堆积对于政府的意义是什么?
Editor's Note: The above mentioned requirements are very strict requirements, something like revealing our own scar. It must be noticed that it is hazards that need to be reported rather than serious hazards. What is the significance for governments to collect such large quantity of data? 另一方面,这些信息将是公开的信息,企业的隐患与风险程度似乎将走向“越来越透明”。否则,企业的信息及诚信将受影响。 On the other hand, these information are open to the public, and the degree of enterprises' hazards are becoming more and more transparent. Otherwise, the information and loyalty of enterprises will be affected.
小结: Conclusion: 自《安全生产法》出台,几乎所有的朋友都在问如何落实重大隐患及隐患上报的问题。这一办法是第一个有具体操作性要求的办法。 As of the promulgation of the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of 企业有自查的责任、企业有上报的责任、专业机构有连带责任。而政府机关则收集、审核、抽查及确认整改。 Enterprises have the obligation of self-check and report, and the professional service providers have the joint liability. The governmental departments shall collect the information, examine and verify, conduct a random inspection and confirm the rectification. 作为企业EHS管理人员,如何发现隐患、做好风险评估?是依靠自身的力量、还是借助于第三方机构的力量?而第三方机构是否愿意或敢于承担?隐患排查的档案、报告无疑都是企业安全管理是否到位的证据,也是安全管理人员尽责尽职的证据! As the EHS management personnel in enterprises, how to discover hazards and carry out the risk assessment? Depending on their own ability or the third party's strength? Whether the third party is willing to or dares to take the responsibility? The files and the report of identification and identifying hazards are evidences of whether safety management of enterprises are sufficient and of whether safety management personnel fully carry out their duty as well. 安全无绝对,事故隐患亦难以彻底消除。因此,企业EHS管理人员一定要按照规定要求,排查事故隐患、如实记录、建立隐患档案并按期向监管部门等汇报。既改善了企业的安全生产水平,也保护了自己。 There is no absolutely safety, and hazards of accident cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore, the EHS management personnel in enterprises shall follow the rules and requirements, identification and identifying hazards, making accurate records, establishing files for hazards and reporting to the administration departments of work safety regularly, which not only improves the level of work safety but also protect the personnel. (完)
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