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当前位置: 中国环境健康安全网 >EHS 动态 > 法规解读 > 11月双语法规解读《广东省生产安全事故隐患排查治理办法》


2015-11-8 17:22 | 发布者: admin | 查看: 5427 | 评论: 0 | 来自: EHS.CN




New regulations of the hazards identification and report-- The Measures for Hazards Identification and Elimination of Work Safety Accidents of Guangdong, is formally issued.




The Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (2014 Amendment) requires that enterprises shall establish rules for the hazards identification for and elimination of work safety accidents, and takes serious measures to handle enterprises with serious hazards. Recently, the State Administration of Work Safety has proposed the identification methods of serious hazards for the industry of dangerous chemicals (please refer to the previous bilingual legal interpretation).




In order to further standardize methods to screen hazards in various industries and the work safety supervision, the Guangdong Province, as a large economic and safety province, takes the lead in issuing and implementing the Measures for the Hazards Identification for and Elimination of Work Safety Accidents of Guangdong (hereinafter referred to as this Measures) on October 21st. From now on, enterprises in Guangdong shall regularly carry out the self-check and self-correct and report risks. It is believed that this will have important reference significance for other provinces' and relevant competent authorities' further management.



Firstly, this Measures first clearly divides hazards into two classes and provides the primary definition.


第四条 事故隐患按照危害和整改难度分为以下两个级别:


()重大事故隐患,是指危害和整改难度较大,应当全部或者局部停产停业,并经过一定时间整改治理方能消除的隐患,或者因外部因素影响致使生产经营单位自身难以消除的隐患。 省级负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门应根据本办法按照职责分工对本行业领域重大事故隐患的分级及判定标准制定具体办法。

"Article 4 In accordance with the hazard and the difficulty of the rectification, hazards of accident can be divided into two following classes.

The first class is general hazards, referring to hazards with minor danger and difficulty of rectification which can be eliminated and rectified immediately upon discovery.

The second class is serious hazards, referring to hazards with considerable danger and difficulty of rectification which can be eliminated through a rectification period with fully or partly suspension of business operation or production, or referring to hazards that are difficult to be eliminated by the business entity itself because of external factors. The safety supervision departments at the provincial level shall make specific measures for the classification and determining standards of industrial serious hidden risk according to this Measures.



Editor’s Note:

The definition stated here is decided by the difficulty degree of the rectification, which is convenient for enterprises to make internal rules. Meanwhile, there are rules of classification and determining standards for serious hazards of accident in enterprises of dangerous chemicals, but classification and determining standards of serious hazards of accident for other industries are not clearly stipulated. Therefore, closely attention shall be paid to it.



Secondly, it is about the enterprises’ responsibility. It is enterprises’ responsibility to discover hazards of accident existing in enterprises, which is in comply with the requirements stated in the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, granting more handling rights of hazards to operators at site.


第七条 生产经营单位是事故隐患排查治理的责任主体。

Article 7 Production and operation units are the subjects of responsibility for the hazards identification  and elimination of accident.


第十五条 生产经营单位……定期开展全面性、专业性的厂级、部门(车间)和班组安全生产和职业卫生检查,及时发现事故隐患。对排查出的事故隐患,应当如实记录并建立档案。

Article 15  A business entity …… shall regularly carry out comprehensive and professional checks for work safety and occupational hygiene among factories, departments(workshops) and groups, discovering hazards of accident in time. Regarding to the hazards of accident discovered, accurate records and files shall be made.



Article 16 proposes requirements for the factory safety check, including 10 items; and the Article 18 proposes requirements for checks before taking up the job, including 6 items.



Regarding to measures taken by enterprises when discovering hazards, requirements are proposed as follows.


第十七条 生产经营单位发现事故隐患的,应当采取必要的监控保障措施,防止事故发生。事故隐患消除前或者消除过程中无法保证安全的,应当从危险区域内撤出作业人员,疏散可能危及的其他人员,并设置警示标志,必要时应当派员值守。

Article 17 In the process of controlling hazards of accident, production and operation units shall take necessary monitoring safeguards. If safety can not be guaranteed before or in the elimination process of hazards, operators shall be evacuated from the dangerous area, other persons who may be endangered shall also be evacuated, warning signs shall be put up, and personnel shall be assigned to guard the area when necessary.



Article 18 Upon discovering hazards of accident, operators shall take technical or management measures to eliminate them; for those that can not be eliminated, they shall be reported to the personnel in charge, management authorities of work safety or occupational hygiene, the said personnel and authority shall settle immediately; if any emergency situation is discovered, directly endangering personal safety, they shall have the right to stop the operation, or to evacuate the workplace upon taking possible emergency measures.


第二十二条 提出了对重大隐患的处理办法,除了必要的停机停产外,还专门提出了(二)组织开展现状风险评估,及风险评估后的整改及验收等规定。

Article 22 proposes the methods for dealing with serious hazards. Besides the necessary method to suspense the business production and operation, the rules of "organizing and carrying out the assessment of current risks" and of rectification, completion check and acceptance after risks assessment are formally proposed.



Editor's Note:

Enterprises shall reconsider and rejudge the process of hazards' identification, discovering, reporting, controlling and handling, referring to rules of this Measures and confirming whether operators and groups at site can correctly judge the problem and handle it, which will become a big challenge for enterprises.



Thirdly, it is the relationship with professional technical service providers. This Measures encourages professional technical services; however, enterprises are always the subjects of responsibility for the identification for and the elimination of hazards of accident.


第二十一条 技术管理服务机构接受生产经营单位委托提供安全生产或职业卫生技术、管理服务中,发现委托方存在重大事故隐患的,应当立即告知委托方,委托方应当及时依法处理。委托方不及时处理的,技术管理服务机构应当向负有安全生产监督管理职责的主管部门报告。

Article 21 Technical and management service providers, when providing the technical and management services of work safety and occupational hygiene under enterprises' entrustment, shall inform the entrusted party upon discovering serious hazards of accident, and the entrusted party shall deal with them according to law. If the entrusted party do not handle it at a timely manner, the technical and management service providers are responsible to report it to the competent departments with the duty of work safety supervision.


第二十四条 生产经营单位可以委托依法设立的技术管理服务机构对重大事故隐患治理情况进行效果评价,并根据效果评价报告制定复查验收报告。

Article 24 Production and operation units can entrust the technical and management service providers to assess the effects of controlling serious hazards of accident and to make the report of reexamination and acceptance based on the assessment.


38条 生产经营单位委托技术管理服务机构提供事故隐患排查治理服务的,事故隐患排查治理的责任仍由本单位负责。

Article 38 When production and operation units entrust the technical and management service providers to offer the service of the identification for and elimination of hazards of accident, the units shall be responsible for the identification for and elimination of hazards of accident.


第三十九条 技术管理服务机构对其出具的报告或意见负责,并承担相应的法律责任。

Article 39 The technical and management service providers are responsible for the reposted or suggestion issued, and bear the corresponding legal responsibility.



Editor's Note:

Introducing the third party is one of the ways for enterprises lack of professional strength. Meanwhile, we must realize that the specialty of professional service providers and their ability to discover and solve hazards are very important.



On the other hand, how do the professional service providers identify serious hazards? When enterprises are in disagreement with professional service providers, how to deal with it and how to contact with the administration department of work safety? There are still uncertainties. We can see that many professional service providers are not willing to take the responsibility of identification and identifying hazards under the circumstance that many historical factors are not clear.



Therefore, introduce or not? What will it be if not introducing professional service providers? Enterprises shall think about it carefully.



Fourthly, hazards discovered during enterprises' self-check and professional service providers' check shall be solved and promptly reported, monthly reported and annually reported. It is not an easy job. While five types of enterprises with high risks shall report at least once half a year. 



Article 22 requires production and operation units report hazards discovered and the following measures within three days upon discovery; Article 27 requires that enterprises shall report the statistic and analysis result of identification and handling hazards to the administration department of work safety at county level, and "the monthly report of identification and handling hazards shall be open to the public for reference and shall be disclosed strikingly at the public place of production and operation units.










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