6: 其他需关注的条款: Sixthly, it is about other clauses that attention shall be paid to. Ø 在第十二条中规定了七种重处罚的情形,如没有取得相关证照、弄虚作假等。 Ø 第十六条,对防止犯罪分子短期内重操旧业进行规定; Ø 第十四条中涉及了严惩相关贪污贿赂和渎职犯罪。 Ø Seven circumstances with heavy punishment are stipulated under Article 12, such as not obtaining relevant certificates and licenses or practicing fraud. Ø Under Article 16, there are some provisions preventing criminals returning to their previous positions in a short period. Ø Article 14 relates to serious punishments for the crime of bribery, the crime of corruption and the crime of dereliction of duty. 编者小结: Editor’s Conclusion: 《刑法》中涉及安全生产的罪不少于十项,似乎都是在出现重大事故以后的事情。本次《解释》所规定的触及刑律的事故降低至“一人死亡、三人重伤”。提高了对企业家、投资者、管理人员的威慑力。对落实《安全生产法》有极大的推进作用。 There are more than ten types of crimes concerning work safety stipulated in the Criminal Law, but it seems that they are all related to the circumstances after accidents happen. In the Interpretation, the criterion of conviction has been lowered to “causing death of one person and any serious injury to three persons”, which is with deterrence for entrepreneurs, investors and managers. It plays an important role in promoting the implementation of the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of 2015年全年,因安全生产事故而获刑的相关新闻不断,从吉林宝丰源被判刑董事长的9年,到清华附中施工倒塌案中的15人被判刑3-6年。越来越多的“成功企业人”因为无知、忽略、失职、或纵容而受牢狱苦、负良心债。同时也越来多的基层从业者因为无知、屈服而执行的违章作业受到影响。 During the year of 2015, criminal news about work safety came constantly, from the chairman of 本次《解释》补足了相关的细节,上从投资人,下到作业人员,都必须在意: 任何造成他人生命伤害的,无论是故意、非故意,无论是无能还是无作为,都必须付出代价! Since the Interpretation has completed relevant details, anyone from investors to employees shall pay attention to it. No matter they are intentional or unintentional, or no matter they are incompetent or incapable, anyone who causes harm to others’ life must pay the price. 逝者已去,责任者承担! The departed saint has passed away, but the person liable shall bear the responsibility. |
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